How to get Upgradeable AWM Gun Skin In PUBG Mobile lite for free and more details are here

Most gun skins are added in pubg mobile lite like AWM, M416, Scar-L and more, often in quite a few updates, by the game developer, and those gun skins are much better. The methods of adding guns are different. Many times and events in lucky spin and many things are added to the design so that the player can get the opportunity to unlock the gun in different ways. In this post, we will converse about the skin of AWM, which has been added recently.

PUBG Mobile lite AWM Gun Skin

Players like awm weapons very much because their damage is impressive. However, awm is only available at some places or locations during the match to achieve this. It would help if you reached the airdrop in the game, which is also inside the flare gun drop. You can get a gun like this. The look of this gun is adorable.

How to get Upgradeable AWM Gun Skin In PUBG Mobile lite for free and more details are here

To get the skill of AWM, you have to unlock gun from Create itself, where you will need BC coins. It is imperative to have 1500 bc coins. Because there are such requirements to remove or unlock any gun, if you remain so busy, your luck will be hundred and 100%, which increases your chances of getting the gun out.

How Much Bc And Paints Material Is Usually Required To Open And AWM Upgrade Gun Skin In Pubg Mobile Lite

LVL 1 Gun SkinUnlock (Basic appearance)1200 – 1500 Bc Coin (approx)
LVL 2 UpgradeKill Effect20 Paints and 3 Materials
LVL 3 UpgradeAdvance Form50 Paints and 6 Materials
LVL 4 UpgradeElimination broadcast (kill message)80 Paints and 9 Materials
LVL 5 UpgradeOn hit effect110 Paints and 12 Materials
LVL 6 UpgradeFinal form150 Paints and 15 Materials
LVL 7 UpgradeLoot crate200 Paints and 18 Materials

How To Get AWM Gun Skin In PUBG Mobile Lite

  • Start the PUBG Mobile lite (v0.23.1) game and log in.
  • Go to the AWM crate option.
  • Available in 40 bc (1 time open) and 360 bc (10 times open) price in crate opening option
  • It would help if you did the crate opening with a 360 BC pack, in which you will get most of the benefit.
  • To update, go to the existing workshop option and click on the update button. AWM gun will be upgraded, and you can enjoy it.

How to get AWM Skin for free?

I will tell you two ways to get the skin of AWM. If your luck is good, you can also get Gun by these methods because it depends on your luck.

#1 Method: Ads Watch 

Ads watch option is added by the developer in the game, which gives a new opportunity to the players. If you watch ads through this, you will get 5 BC per day, through which you can get a lot of rewards on the game. within days

#2 Method: Earning App

To get this for free, you must take the help of earning application. You can quickly achieve it by doing bc and top-up recharge with the help of earning application or any redeem code. Because M4 Glacier, you can’t get it from the redemption code.

Rahul Jangid

Rahul Jangid is the author of this blog and tries to provide eSports helpful and News relevant information to the people.

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